Forms: Form 12, Form 38. Both of these forms can be downloaded from or collected in person from your local Immigration Office as per the Malaysian parent’s IC address.
Supporting documents: Photocopy of all pages of your child’s passport that has any stamps/ visas; 2 passport-sized photographs (blue background) of your child; photocopy of child’s Birth Certificate verified by Jabatan Pendaftaran Negara (JPN) or your respective Embassy; photocopy of parent’s IC verified by JPN; photocopy of the parents marriage certificate verified by JPN (for Malaysian-registered marriages) or verified by your respective Embassy (for overseas-registered marriages); photocopy of foreign parent’s passport (just the front page and any Malaysian visas)
Note: Please have the originals of your documents on the day of submission and please ensure your documents that are not available in English are translated into English and verified by your respective Embassy.